
To Be Modern

I just ran across this great article about a certain fraternal order that we all know about. I agree with many of the viewpoints expressed by this author from New Zealand.
I feel that if we are to turn our Odd Fellows around, we need to look at ways to make ourselves relevant to the 21st Century. Could the answer lie in the early 19th Century? I have been researching the postmodern influence on the Christian Church and its leading into a movement known as the Emerging Church. A simple mix of old and new traditions and customs, with an inclination towards casualness, seems to be what the current generations are looking for in their services. A disdain for formal hierarchies and institutions is causing the dwindling of mainline traditional denominations across the board. Does this sound familiar? Read this informative article and draw parallels to your own lodge's dilemna.

To Be Modern Article


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