
Losing Interest

I have found myself in a place where I have lost interest in the Order, and most fraternal organizations period. Perhaps this is a temporary thing, let's hope so. While watching the Christmas parade in my town a few days ago, I was thinking about the lone old man that was driving the Lions Club entry, the sameness of the Optimist Club's float, the few guys from the local Shrine Club and their firetruck, and then there was my Elks Lodge's. With so little interest in organizations, and the fact that they are all shrinking, I wonder what the point is sometimes. I am a busy person and it seems like I am always having to go to a meeting, or something. I like the fact that I can go to a meeting if I want, but most of the times I would honestly like to be doing something else. I will serve as Noble Grand next year, and then it may be time for me to leave fraternalism period. Maybe someone has some words of encouragement?